108 research outputs found

    After a Decade: What remains of a kindergarten developmental arts education project?

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    This article focuses on the long-term impacts and effects of developmental work that began as an arts education project in Helsinki in 2000. Ten years later, five kindergarten leaders were interviewed to gather information about the impacts of the project. The aim was to determine the long-term effects of the project and examine in which ways the impact could still be seen in the daily work in kindergartens. We also explored the reasons and prerequisites for the impacts still showing, and tried to discover which obstacles prevent the ongoing impact of the developmental work.The interviews showed that the sustainability of the impacts was connected to the organizational changes and the longevity of the personnel in the kindergarten. The developmental work could be better taken advantage of when the kindergarten leaders felt the tasks developed in the project were important and offered them new ideas in their pedagogical leadership. A long-lasting developmental project was seen as part of the process of updating education, which confirmed the participants’ consciousness about being a teacher and the nature of the educational practices as well as a reflective manner of working. Participating also increased general developmental skills and interest in other developmental themes

    Soodakattilan keskeiset prosessi-ilmiöt

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    Tiivistelmä. Työn tarkoituksena on tutustua selluteollisuuden eri prosessivaiheisiin. Pääpaino työssä on soodakattilassa ja siihen liittyvässä kemikaalikierrossa. Työssä käydään läpi sellunvalmistusprosessi kuitu- ja talteenottolinjan osalta kertoen aluksi massatehtaan toiminnasta ja liittäen se myöhemmin mustalipeän polttoon soodakattilassa. Keittokemikaalien kemikaalikierto avataan työssä selkeästi ja kerrotaan, kuinka siihen voidaan vaikuttaa prosessissa, sekä miten kemikaalikierto vaikuttaa puolestaan soodakattilan toimintaan. Työssä esitellään itse soodakattila aluksi kertoen sen tehtävistä ja prosessikuvauksesta. Myös keskeiset toimintaan vaikuttavat käsitteet, kuten sulfiditeetti ja reduktioaste, sekä niiden merkitys talteenoton kannalta käydään työssä läpi. Lopuksi esitellään mistä eri komponenteista soodakattila muodostuu. Talteenottoprosessin on tarkoitus olla sellainen, että mitään prosessissa syntyvää tai muutoin ylimääräistä ainetta ei menisi hukkaan. Kaikki puu raaka-aine ja tuotannon sivuvirrat olisi tarkoitus saada tuotettua sataprosenttisesti selluksi, muiksi biotuotteiksi tai bioenergiaksi. Työssä ei käydä sen suuremmin läpi kaikista uusimpia menetelmiä, mutta esimerkiksi kuoren kaasutus on uudehko innovaatio, jolla saadaan vähennettyä fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä kemikaalikierron aikana

    After a Decade: What remains of a kindergarten developmental arts education project?

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    This article focuses on the long-term impacts and effects of developmental work that began as an arts education project in Helsinki in 2000. Ten years later, five kindergarten leaders were interviewed to gather information about the impacts of the project. The aim was to determine the long-term effects of the project and examine in which ways the impact could still be seen in the daily work in kindergartens. We also explored the reasons and prerequisites for the impacts still showing, and tried to discover which obstacles prevent the ongoing impact of the developmental work.The interviews showed that the sustainability of the impacts was connected to the organizational changes and the longevity of the personnel in the kindergarten. The developmental work could be better taken advantage of when the kindergarten leaders felt the tasks developed in the project were important and offered them new ideas in their pedagogical leadership. A long-lasting developmental project was seen as part of the process of updating education, which confirmed the participants’ consciousness about being a teacher and the nature of the educational practices as well as a reflective manner of working. Participating also increased general developmental skills and interest in other developmental themes.</p

    Wellbeing at the 21st century innovative learning environment called learning ground

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    Purpose – Schools have a significant role in ensuring children's wellbeing as children spend a lot of time at school. Students need to have an active role in their learning and an opportunity to participate in issues concerning wellbeing and studying. This research examines students' wellbeing in an innovative learning environment. The classroom is built with professionals, teachers and students (aged 9). The authors call it Learning Ground. Design/methodology/approach – Students' wellbeing was measured with smart device application for a six-week period. Students answered the questionnaire with a Likert scale of five (very poor – excellent) responses. Two weeks during the six weeks research period, students were able to use digital study aids, EEG-biosensor headsets, to observe the effectiveness of their learning, defined by NeurSky app. The EEG-biosensors enabled students to use a tool to recognise their own learning factors during the lessons. The effectiveness was available to students via tablets all the time. Findings – The students at the Learning Ground are satisfied with wellbeing and the environment support for students' wellbeing experience is notable. They have “good vibes” before and after the school day. When wearing EEG-headsets “study aids”, which enabled them to observe their learning via tablets at lessons, the wellbeing experience in the mornings even increased. Originality/value – Schools need to be visionaries concerning 21st century learning and children's wellbeing. Building flexible learning environments and bringing innovative technologies into schools to provide active support for students will enable 21st century learning. Wellbeing of children should become first when developing the future schools
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